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April 24, 2003 - Thursday

April 24, 2003 - Thursday

Nice day, nice and sunny, but not terribly warm.

This morning was pretty much like yesterday. I napped, cooked, and went to work. Not much happened.

Today I was a bit busier at work, but still one class didn't come. The other classes went okay though.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up at the apartment and then we drove home. He cooked our dinner and then we ate it. After dinner we came upstairs and talked for a bit. Our topic? Quite serious actually. What to do with our stuff if we die. It's the kind of thing that we need to talk about. It's hard to do though.

Now I'm listening to my new Robbie Williams cd. I rather like it. He's doing a jazz style cd with lots of songs that I love. Old songs originally done by Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and of course, Dean Martin. Gotta love them! It's not too bad. He's a pop singer, but he can sing well.

And that's it for my day. Not exciting at all. Except, last night, I got another email from Scotland! Another classmate found me and emailed me. It's cool that so many people remember me from so long ago. Maybe I'm just unforgettable??? Unlikely!

Night night! I'll catch you tomorrow.....Saturday night I'll be missing an entry as we'll stay in the apartment because of a party after work.

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