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April 25, 2003 - Friday

April 25, 2003 - Friday

Horrible weather. Wet and rainy all day. A bit cold too.

Today was a good day at work. At the apartment...well, it was okay. I decided to nap again, but I wasw pretty cold. I didn't sleep very much. Oh well.

Work was quite good today. I really enjoyed my classes. I had a student today that hadn't come for a while and it was nice to see her again. Also, my child class went well. I had to do an interview for a returnee today. I hope that he will join my class. Unfortunately there are no guarantees!

After work I went out with Fumihiko for dinner. We had yakiniku, but we went to a different place. We've been there before, but this time we went to Ichigo. It was nice, and one of the nicest things I think was that we didn't over order! At first Fumihiko was trying to get me to order a combo plate. However, he wasn't very hungry and the combo plates are for 3 to 4 people! Now, even when I'm hungry I don't think I could eat that much meat! One of the things that we ordered was Nankotsu. Any idea what that is? Chicken bone...well, not bone exactly, more like the cartilege. It's actually quite good. When I came over to Japan 6 years ago I never would have thought that I'd end up eating bones, and enjoying it!

We came home and I've been working on my computer almost ever since. Tomorrow please note, I have a party after work, so I won't be writing until Sunday night. Don't miss me too much!

Night night!

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