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August 1, 2003 - Friday

Sunny all day.

Today was a much nicer day than yesterday! I just had such a bad day yesterday that a normal day like today just seemed so wonderful.

I did laundry at the apartment this morning and cooked lunch and breakfast. I also finished Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It was even better this second time because I could read a little (for me) slower and enjoy the writing more. The first time I read it I was galloping through it to find out what happened.

Work was fine, but at the end of the day I realized that I only taught 3 students! I had two private classes and 2 groups where only one student (who's in both) came. My child student didn't come. I was worried about him and went looking for him, but I didn't see him. I asked the manager to phone his family to check. Later in the day, his mother came and presented us with cream puffs and cookies. She'd had company show up unexpectedly and forgot that he had a class. I was glad that there wasn't a problem actually.

After work, I had a lot of things to carry so Fumhiko came and picked me up. I had two cantelope, 2 bottles of pop, and a cream puff. I was glad because there was no way I could get all of that into my backpack and on my bike! We started driving to the restaurant, then realized that we didn't drop off my bike yet, so we did that first.

We went to Gyu-oh, the Yakiniku restaurant. It was great tonight. Fumihiko tried something that looked awful so I just let him eat it and I ate the other, more normal stuff! I know that I'm a bit picky, but on the other hand, it looked really, really yuck!

We came home. When I opened the garage door for him, I got a good look at the stars. It's a glorious sky here. It's clear tonight so the stars just pop out. I think I even saw Mars. It's supposed to be quite big at this time of year.

And that was my day. It was nice, not too much work, which is nice because I'll be busy tomorrow. Seven lessons. Argh!!! Oh well, could be fun though!

Good Night!

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