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Happy Birthday Katie!

Sunny and hot all day. A bit muggy too.

I didn't get coffee this morning, but I did get to sleep in quite a bit. That was nice. I was so tired but I knew that I had to get up and go to work. Fumihiko took me to Gusto for breakfast. It was okay as usual.

I was busy today at work, but I had a good day! I taught 7 classes, and they all went quite well. The last one was a bit difficult for the students as they had to do tag questions, but we got through it okay. I had 3 double lessons today....yikes! That hasn't happened since I was in Otaru!

After work Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Benkei for dinner. I had forgotten lately just how good the food is there. I got a lot of stuff that was just perfect for my diet...sashimi, grilled beef, tuna salad, grilled veggies, tofu. Course I probably wasn't supposed to eat that much, but....;-)

After dinner we came home and phoned Canada. We wanted to talk to Katie on her birthday. We got through to her and we talked to her. We had a great conversation, but unfortunately I couldn't understand everything that she said! She speaks quietly and quickly so I couldn't understand everything. She did like the DVDs that Fumihiko bought her and the swimsuits that I sent to her. We talked about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets film, and had a good laugh over our favourite parts. My heart almost broke though when she asked me if I could come and visit her one Sunday. She hasn't really figured out how far Japan is from Beaumont. It was great to talk with her this year. Last year she wouldn't talk to us on the phone and her parents made her phone the next day and apologize! I had a nice long chat with my sister after that. That was nice too. These days with email I hardly ever phone, and it's not my phone bill either. I didn't mind calling when I paid for it, but when it's Fumihiko I feel bad for him.

When we hung up we got in the car and went for a drive. We haven't gone to the sea at night this year, so tonight, we did. We went to Yunohama, parked the car and went for a walk. We ended up going right to the water! I made sure we had a bit of a snog at the water's edge before we headed back to the car. Then we went to another beach. This one was manmade and completely dark so we didn't stay too long.

We drove home via a vending machine for a drink and then came upstairs and had a cuddle. Then, I turned on my computer and started writing. And there you are. Or should I say, here you are?

Night night!

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