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July 31, 2003 - Thursday

No rain but cloudy all day. Muggy.

A sort of different day. I did the usual things in the morning and then went to work. I was busy at work today as I had 6 classes and the usual meeting. Classes went well, except I was told that a student wasn't going to come and then she did! I realized later that the student that wasn't coming had the same family name and the person answering the phone didn't ask for her first name or class time!

My coworkers all finished before I did, and left. I had a lot to do at the end of the day so it was a bit sad. When Fumihiko called me to see if I was ready to leave yet, I wasn't. I was in a foul mood and then I had to go home and cook dinner. I was worried that I'd be mean to him.

When he met me, he gave me a hug which really helped to improve my mood. By the time I got home I was feeling much much better. When I started cooking I was almost cheerful! I made a pork stirfry. One of my friends gave me two zucchini so I used one, plus a bunch of vegetables and made a great stirfry. The only problem was that I made too much! It was hard for me and Fumihiko to finish it! And I didn't even use up all of the vegies! Oops!

After we did the dishes we came upstairs and I watched the last half of Ethan Hawke on the Actors Studio. He's a very interesting guy. Hopefully I'll get to go to bed soon.

And that was my day. Sort of up and down, but with cooking! Night!

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