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Sunday, August 10, 2003

Sunny and hot day...the typhoon passed in the night!

A very up and down sort of day emotionally. Last night I stayed up very, very late and then went to bed. When I woke up finally it was almost 12. Fumihiko was making me coffee and I really didn't want to get up and drink it. I had hoped to sleep some more, but he was hungry! We got up and went to the Daiichi Hotel for lunch again. In the lobby, we ran into one of my old students and we chatted for a few minutes. Then we ate lunch. It was fine, not great, not terrible! After lunch we ran into my ex-student again, and met some of the people she was translating for.

We spent the afternoon window shopping. I wanted to visit some of the "antique" shops around the city, so we did. We didn't buy anything, but we looked at a lot of things. I saw a file cabinet that I'd like for my looks like it's the perfect size and shape to store my stamps in so I can see what I've got. However, the cabinet was old and not cheap so I passed this time. I did see some obis but didn't buy any because I don't have anywhere to decorate with them. I also don't know how to tie them for my own yukata. We also visited a shoe store that sold larger size shoes. They really did! I was wearing the wrong type of socks to try on dress shoes, so I didn't today, but next time, I'll try them on.

We headed out to Mikawa to check the movies but sadly this weekend there's nothing new. I don't quite believe it, but there isn't! We had a drink and a quick look at clothes. Tomorrow we might come back and look again for Fumihiko. He needs some new stuff. Desperately!

We went for a quick supper and waited for a friend of mine to call. When she did we sort of made plans to meet, but not quite! Fumihiko and I ate and then drove to the apartment. I grabbed my ground sheet and some tea from the fridge. We walked over to the river and joined the large group of people trying to find a good place to see the fireworks. The place we settled on was good, but it was near the food tents so every time the fireworks were the low sort, we couldn't see them too well. My friend called me after the fireworks started, but we never did get together! Oh well. It was too bad, but it couldn't be helped.

Fumihiko was strange. I thought the fireworks were really romantic and really wanted him to hold hands or at least sit close to me, but he wouldn't. Then right before the grand finale he announced that he was going to the toilet. I sat there by myself to watch the best fireworks of the night. Why do I always feel more alone since I've gotten married than I did before marriage at times like these? The fireworks were really important to me, we couldn't go last year because of the weather, and this was the first time for us to go together, and I end up watching them alone. By the time Fumihiko got back, just in time for the last barrage, I was on the brink of tears and ready to ask for a divorce. I didn't, but I didn't speak to him for a very long time.

When we walked back to my apartment I kept bumping into people that I knew so I couldn't start telling him why I was angry, or anything. It was very frustrating because I didn't want to break down in front of people. I didn't. I think the walking was good for me and it helped get out some of my bad feelings.

When we got back to the apartment I stashed my stuff back in the fridge and then we went for a late dinner to Gusto. It was busy! I had typical Gusto stuff, with one exception. Today they had fresh Canadian blueberries! I ordered some, sans sugar of course. I split them with Fumihiko and they were great. I haven't had blueberries in ages. I really enjoyed them.

We came home after dinner and by now I have forgiven Fumihiko mostly. I know I get too upset about silly things, but dammit, I've waited 2 years to see the fireworks with him and he acted like a stranger...worse even.

Anyway, I'd better sign off, before I lose my nerve and erase half of this stuff. Talk to you tomorrow.

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