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August 9, 2003 - Saturday

Rainy all day. The typhoon you know!

A busy day. I slept quite late, and when Fumihiko noisily made coffee to wake me up, it was around 10 am. Still, it was nice of him to do that. We went out to Yoshinoya for breakfast, then he dropped me off at work. When I got out of the car I specifically told him to pick me up around 9:00 pm as I thought I would be finished work early.

Work was fine. Most classes were on time and most of the people that I was expecting came too. Classes were generally okay, except in the last one one of my students nearly fell asleep!

After I finished I waited for Fumihiko to arrive or call me. He didn't. I expected that he'd call me at 9:15. He didn't. Then, when he missed that time, I just knew he'd call me at 9:30. He didn't. In fact he didn't call me at all. I called him at 9:40 to find out what happened to him. He'd fallen asleep. He didn't even have a clue as to what time it actually was! I could tell from his voice that he was pretty zonked out, so it was impossible to get mad at him. He came to get me as soon as he could. I was lucky in a way, because I had a brand new Cosmo to read, so I wasn't bored!

He took me to M's Dining for dinner. It was quite nice tonight. I had steak and soup. And a lot of drinks! I had tea and coffee tonight, so I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to sleep! We stayed for a long time, then came back home.

We ended up watching Airplane II which wasn't nearly as good at Airplane. It was funny, but just not quite as good. And of course it didn't have Robert Stack or Leslie Nielson. And, that's it for my day. Tomorrow I might go to the fireworks, but I'm not exactly sure. Night night.

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