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August 13, 2003 - Wednesday

Sunny and hot. Nice day today.

This morning I went to the apartment, did some beading for a few minutes and then fell asleep! I almost didn't wake up in time. I cooked lunch and breakfast and ate before I left for work. I tried to leave on time, but didn't. I did make it to work on time though, but only just!

I was quite busy today. I had four private lessons in a row. They all went quite well, I'm glad to say.

My evening classes were fine too. And I was able to finish work reasonably early. I had done everything by 9:30. I biked to the apartment and met up with Fumihiko. He brought me home and cooked some dinner for me! It was really nice. We had mushrooms, pork chops, a bit of beef and salad. Yum.

After dinner I came upstairs and watched Charmed. It's finally back on tv. It was a different sort of one tonight. I rather enjoyed it.

And that's about it. I got my yukata packed for work tomorrow. Yep, we're planning on wearing yukata's tomorrow. Should be fun!

Night night!

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