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August 17, 2003 - Sunday

Sunny then of course rainy!

Kind of a low key day today. I slept in very very late. I got up somewhere around 12. I didn't want to wake up at all! Fumihiko made me coffee and pleaded that he was really hungry, so we went out. We went to Edoichi. It was okay, not as crowded as I thought it might have been. Fumihiko got to eat a lot of different foods for a change so I didn't feel guilty for a change.

After lunch we went to the International Center to see an art show. I liked some of the stuff, but I didn't like the rest of it. Fumihiko liked some stuff that I didn't, but neither of us bought anything. We went over to the book section and then I grabbed a few books. Fumihiko and I did a bit of reading there, then headed off to the mall.

There were no movies at the mall that I hadn't seen or wanted to see again that much, so we didn't go to one. We picked up his pants from the store and then had some coffee. We drove back into Tsuruoka. We were aimlessly driving for a while, then decided to go to Dengeki-Soko, an electronics store. I didn't buy anything, and neither did my husband! However I did run into an old student of mine...must have been my student about 4 years ago I think! We had a nice chat then she had to leave.

By now I was getting hungry again so we went to the Washington Hotel and had shabu-shabu. We both ate way too much and had to waddle out of there. It was a bit sad. Then, we came home. I read part of my book from the International Center and Fumihiko played games on his computer. It was very civilized and relaxing for a change.

That basically was that! A good day with bad weather! Night all!

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