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August 18, 2003 - Monday

Cloudy and rainy, of course!

What a day. It basically started back at 4 am when my husband woke me up. He came back from the washroom, and banged the door closed. I woke up and of course I had to use the washroom too. I had to go downstairs, but surprise, surprise, his Mum was already there. He managed to wake up the whole house. I'm surprised the dog didn't bark too. Then, this morning when we were getting ready to go out, he had the nerve to accuse me of waking him up first. Pardon me? I don't think so.

At the apartment this morning I finished Bookends, the latest book I was reading, did my laundry, took out my garbage and showered. I left to catch the bus to the mall. I read a lot of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on the way. Then, when I got to the mall I went to McDonalds for a burger and then to the grocery store for some sunflower seeds. I ran off to the movie theatre then. Yes, I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean again. And you know what? I enjoyed it just as much this time! It was a lot of fun. It's just a goofy little movie.

After the movie I went shopping for me. I checked out the women's department at Jusco and picked up quite a few things that I thought I'd like. I took them to a changing room and what do you know? They all fit me! I ended up putting back a couple of shirts as I didn't like the style or the colour, but I ended up with a bunch of things that I really like. I even got a sweater set! I've never had one of those before.

I wandered around the store some more but didn't find anything else to buy so I decided to sit somewhere, drink something and wait for my husband with Harry. However, I'd just sat down when he phoned me and said he'd be by soon. So, I moved to an easier to find spot. When he came over he noticed that there were two women acting a little strangely in a store. He told me that they were undercover police officers or security guards. They could have been I guess.

We left the mall and drove to Sakata. We were going to go to a French restaurant but neither of us could remember where it was! We drove around for a bit and then found it. Alas, it was closed! So, I suggested going to an Indian restaurant that we both like. We went there and had a great meal. I couldn't eat my nan of course, but it was really hard to turn it down. It looked so good. I had tandori chicken with a bit of salad, tandori shrimp and kebab. Yum yum yum. There was also some kind of curry there, but I swapped it with Fumihiko as mine was sweet and his wasn't. Everything was great.

We drove home and collapsed on the bed. We were so full that we couldn't move! I stayed like that for ages until I managed to get up and start my computer up.

And that's about it. My day. I'm just going to watch ER now so I have to run!

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