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August 20, 2003 - Wednesday

Rainy and cloudy. Big surprise!

A pretty good day. I did a bit of beading at the apartment this morning. I should be able to finish my piece soon. I also read a lot of my Harry Potter book. It was great! I didn't want to leave for work, but I had to!

Work was okay today. Last night a spider built a large web outside our school. It was horrible. The building maintenance people didn't clean it up, so I did. I used the vacuum cleaner and sucked up the spider. I got the web too. Hurray for me! I had quite a few lessons today, but they went quite well I think!

After work, Fumihiko took me out for dinner. We went to Gusto. It was fine. We had some blueberries again. Yummy, but the seeds stuck in my teeth!

We came home and I just finished watching Roswell and now I'm watching Charmed. It is quite good. And that is all I have to say for today! Night night.

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