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August 21, 2003- Thursday

Muggy and hot. Amazingly, not rainy!

A pretty good day. I finished beading my banner this morning. I do have to do a few things to it yet, but it looks great. I also came sooo close to finishing my Harry Potter book. I'm taking the Goblet of Fire with me in case I do finish it tomorrow.

Work was fine today. Students were remarkably genki and classes went well. I enjoyed myself today, and I can't say that every day!

After work I called Fumihiko when he didn't call me at the regular time. He said that he just finished work. Poor thing. So, he met me at the apartment and we went to M's Dining for dinner. It was good, but I was still a bit hungry afterwards. Sigh.

We came home and that's that! My day, pretty good actually.

Oh, tomorrow's update might be late or non-existant as I may spend tomorrow night at my apartment. Fumihiko has a drinking party and I'm thinking of asking my co-workers out for a drink after work. Not sure if it will all work out though, but maybe! So, talk to you in a day or two. Night night!

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