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August 31, 2003 - Sunday

Cloudy with a few drops of rain in the morning.

This morning I really didn't want to get up, but I had to. It was the barbecue. So, Fumihiko kind of dragged me out of bed. We packed up the car and then left. We got there on time...hurray! I didn't think I would. The barbecue was okay. We wanted to have it at the beach, but the forecast said that we'd have rain so we changed our plans. We went to the Akagawa River and had the party under a bridge. It was noisy and a bit cold, but otherwise fine. The food was good and we had lots to eat as a few people didn't come.

After the party, Fumihiko and I went to the mall to see if there were any movies that we wanted to see. There weren't any that I wanted to see, but Fumihiko said he wanted to see 2 Fast 2 Furious. I don't know why! Anyway, we went and had some coffee and then did a bit of shopping. I looked at more beading stuff, but decided to wait and see if it would go on sale later. Besides I still haven't finished one of the kits, so I shouldn't buy a new one yet, right?

After I bought some pens and pencils, we went to the amusement center. I did fairly well, and kept myself in coins for a while. Fumihiko didn't have so much luck though. Still, we were both done in time to go to the movie.

The movie was dumb. The best line in the whole movie was something like," Are you going to pull some Dukes of Hazzard s***?" I loved the Dukes of Hazzard, when I was 13! Fumihiko was a bit mean. He got a free popcorn and proceeded to eat it in front of me. My favourite food in the whole world, and I can't have any. Sigh.

After the movie we went to Sakata and had dinner at a restaurant that we went to once before. It was quite nice. The coffee especially was great. I could have done with another cup, but got Fumihiko to promise to make me some at home. I think I'm getting addicted to coffee. Sigh.

We drove home via a grocery store to buy more coffee creamer. That was pretty much it for my day. Tomorrow I'm off to the apartment for a lovely day of beading and laundry. Oh yay!!!

Good night!

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