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September 1, 2003 - Monday

Cloudy day, but no rain! That's two days in a row!

I actually found my missing books today! I bought two books back in April and then "lost" them. I have been looking for them for ages, and today I just opened a bag and there they were! Hurray!

I did laundry and beading today. I also finished reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It was wonderful. I'd read it before of course, but I really enjoyed reading it again.

I took myself off to lunch today. I went to the Daiichi Hotel for their brunch. It was quite good. Then I hacked around the mall for a while and bought my groceries too. I even got a couple of bottles of Perrier!

Later, Fumihiko met me at the apartment and we went out for dinner. We went to Cafe Framboise. I had chicken and so did Fumihiko. It was really nice. The coffee was nice too. I enjoyed the meal.

Then we went and did laundry at the laundromat. We had to wash our sheets and stuff...they take too long to dry if we did them at our house or my apartment. We brought them all home and discovered that they weren't really dry after all! So now we have them hanging all over our room! The mattress pads are hanging from the light fixture. They look a lot like a changing room in the middle of the room. Fumihiko hid in there for 5 minutes before I noticed he was gone!

And that was my day! It was pretty good actually. Night night!

Oh, just a second....I won't be updating tomorrow night as I'm staying at the apartment. Don't miss me too much!

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