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January 15, 2003 - Wednesday

January 15, 2003 - Wednesday

Today was cold and snowy and the roads were bad.

Not a great day really. I had a bit of a spat with someone at work, and I was really busy too.

In the morning I went to the apartment and just slept. I didn't wake up until after 10 am. I cooked breakfast and lunch, then left for work.

In the middle of the night last night, I woke up with a terrible pain in my left leg. I tried to massage it but moving my leg made the pain worse. I think it was a charley horse. Anyway, walking today was a bit painful. Poor me. I didn't massage it as much as I should have because I didn't want to wake up my husband.

After work, Fumihiko came and got me and we went out for dinner. At dinner I talked to him about some money things. I've been paying a high rent here, plus rent for my apartment, plus almost all of my food and utility bills. It's a bit much and I'm tired of it all. I am trying to negotiate a fairer deal.

I came home, caught the tail end of Providence. It looked like it was a good episode, the brother interrupted a wedding and took off with the bride a la The Graduate. It was quite funny.

And that was my day. I hope tomorrow is better. It has to be, doesn't it?

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