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January 14, 2003 -Tuesday

January 14, 2003 -Tuesday

Rainy and dull all day, then snowy and windy at night.

There were thunderstorms at night and also this morning. It was scary. At the apartment this morning I watched some of my videos and slept. I also had trouble with my heater. It kept beeping and switching off.

I was a bit busy at work today. I had 6 classes and they all showed up. I think most of them were okay. I have a couple of new students and I have to get to know their weak points and strong points. Fun!

After work tonight I asked Fumihiko to come to the apartment to look at my heater. Of course it didn't do the things tonight that it did in the morning. I hate that! When we finally got home, Fumihiko made nabe and I watched Due South and ate. It was a funny episode that I hadn't seen before. Fraser went undercover at a Girls School, as a woman. He wasn't bad looking either!

That's about it for tonight. I'm tired and I have to get to bed soon. Night night!

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