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January 19, 2003 - Sunday

January 19, 2003 - Sunday

Cold, but clear for most of the day.

A pretty good day actually. Last night the party was really good. I was busy at work yesterday, but not in a bad way. It was pleasant. In my last class I showed my students a part of a tape that my sister sent me about paramedics, police and fire fighters. They really liked it.

The party was great and I think we all had a great time. It's sad to see Aki go, but I know how hectic life is as a split teacher and she's done it for a long time.

After the party some of us (okay, only 3 of us) went to karaoke. Just for an hour, and it was fun. They had some songs that I really wanted to sing. I wanted to try "Out of Reach" by Gabrielle, but it was a different version than I knew, and just as our hour was up, I found "It's Raining Men" by The Weather Girls. It was fun to sing, but I had to stop it.

Today we slept in very late and then I made breakfast. It was quite yummy.

After breakfast and a bit more sleeping we went out for a drive. We went to the mall but there weren't any good movies playing so we went for a drive. We bought some kerosene for my apartment and delivered it, then we went for dinner. We went for yakiniku, but not to Edoichi. We went to another place quite far away. It was okay. We'd been there before, but this time it was much better.

After dinner we went for a drive to Kushibiki, and drove up to the ski hill. There was a beautiful view of Tsuruoka from the hill. Then, we came home.

At home I took the photos out of my digital camera and put them in my computer. Some of them were great. Unfortunately, I lost some of the older ones, but I think that's okay really. They probably weren't very good anyway.

And that's about it for me for tonight. I'm off to the apartment tomorrow to do laundry and relax. Wish me luck! Night all!

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