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January 20, 2003 - Monday

January 20, 2003 - Monday

Clear day, then snowy in the evening.

A quiet day, but good.

In the morning I went to the apartment and did laundry and watched TV. It was nice and relaxing. I cooked breakfast and read a book. It was great.

I left for the mall around 3:20 and caught the bus. I got to the mall and had a great time just wandering around. I didn't buy anything but looked at a lot of stuff. I expected Fumihiko to call me around 5:30, but he didn't. He didn't call me until almost 7:50pm. The poor thing had to go to Yamagata this afternoon and didn't get back until around 7:00.

When he got to the mall, we went to the "reform shop" to have my new pants shortened and to have a button sewn on stronger. I know these are things that I could do for myself, but I would never get around to it. The woman was really nice and it was kind of fun.

Afterwards, we drove to Tsuruoka and went to Edoichi. Yes, I know, yakiniku for the 2nd day in a row, but it was what he wanted. And, it was quite good!

We came home and I watched ER. Soon, I'll take my shower and go to bed. I'm a bit tired and we have to get up early tomorrow morning. Sigh. Poor Fumihiko has to start early tomorrow morning.

Night night!

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