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March 13, 2003 - Thursday

March 13, 2003 - Thursday

Cold and snowy in the early morning, warming up and melting in the afternoon.

A good day. I did all my usual stuff, and this morning left for work a little late. I had to walk quickly, but I made it to work on time anyway. Hurray!

Work was fine, most classes happened and went surprisingly well. I'm glad to say.

After work is where today differs...I didn't go straight home with my husband. I went out with my friend Keiko. We went to M's Dining and had dinner together. It was really nice to go out with someone who isn't connected to work. We had a big gab session and had a lot of fun. She drove me home after dinner.

Fumihiko was waiting for me at home and we had a big hug! Then, we came upstairs and after midnight we exchanged presents! March 14th is White Day in Japan, a day when men give cookies to the women in their lives. Normally in Japan, Valentine's Day is when women give chocolates to the men in their lives. However, since Fumihiko and I are an international couple, we celebrate both days, both ways! So, I had bought him some chocolates today...nice ones from Belgium. I couldn't eat them of course, but I got to smell his breath after he ate them. It was wonderful! I know that sounds weird, but I didn't get any of the bad effects from them! And, he gave me something that I've been hoping for for ages, a fishing rod and reel. I'm so happy! I really wanted my own rod, and now I have one. I can't wait to go fishing now! Maybe I'll catch the tuna that he's always talking about getting!

Anyway, it's late and I should go. Have a good evening! Night!

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