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March 14, 2002 - Thursday

Hot and sunny day.

Well, we're back! We got back tonight and both of us are really tired, but also very happy. We had a great time.

Today was a bit laid back. We slept in a bit, went for breakfast, bought some souvenirs and then went back to the room. When we checked out we met my email friend and took her to lunch. It was very nice. That was the first time that I have met one of the people that I know through the internet.

After lunch, we sat in the lobby for a while and the fire alarm went off. We couldn't tell if it was a drill or the real thing. They were making announcements, but no one could really hear them.

When they got that sorted, my friend left and Fumihiko and I got ready to catch the bus. It arrived a few minutes late but everything was fine. It wasn't crowded and we got to Haneda airport easily and quickly. Much easier than on the train.

The airport was hot and crowded. Yuck. I wanted to find some books, but the bookstore didn't stock any English ones. Poor me. I was dying of heat so Fumihiko took me up onto the roof too look at the airplanes. Did I ever mention that Fumihiko is a real plane nut? He knows how many people can ride in each and every sort of plane. Crazy man!

The flight back was okay. Not too bumpy.

After we arrived we went to Mikawa Jusco to check out the movies and have supper. The only movie that I was interested in was going to start in 5 minutes so we said no to the movie and went for supper. Then we bought each other a white day present....a DVD. I got him The Shawshank Redemption and he got me My Friend Totorro. I haven't seen it. Then we came home.

The hotel we stayed in was wonderful, but it was very expensive. Maybe some things were worth it, but not everything. We wanted to go swimming in their pool, but it cost ¥2900 per person. I told Fumihiko that I didn't want to buy the pool, I just wanted to swim in it for a while. Needless to say, we didn't go swimming!

Disney Sea was great and disappointing at the same time! It was so crowded that it took too long to get on most rides, but the rides that we did get on were fun. It was so hot and sunny that day that I got a bit of a sunburn. It wasn't too bad, but not great either.

We rode a lot of great rides, but my favourite would have to be Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull ride. A bit like the one in Anaheim, but still loads of fun. The food was pretty good. Expensive but not unreasonable for Japan. The restrooms were quite clearly marked and were clean...always a bonus!

I had a good time, but I'd like to go back in a few years when they have the kinks worked out a bit more and the novelty has worn off for most people.

And that's my report for today. The next few days I'll be writing erratically to say the least. Don't worry about me, I have a business trip on the weekend.

Later eh!

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