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March 28, 2003 - Friday

March 28, 2003 - Friday

Cloudy and rainy, then a bit cloudy again.

I had a busy morning. I walked to the school to get my bike. I brought it back to the apartment and then continued walking. I did my time and then went back to the apartment. I did usual stuff like laundry and shower, cook breakfast, etc.

I decided to walk to school this morning and so I did. I was a bit busy at first, two in a row, then a break for a bit, then another class. Things actually went well today I think, and classes were fine. Once cool thing that happened during the day was that the cable radio system played the theme from Twin Peaks. It was great to hear it again. I really loved that piece of music. Wowow, which I don't get, is running the series. Of course, I could just buy the DVD of the show. Actually, I may just do that.

After work I went out for dinner with my husband. We went to Gusto. It wasn't great. Well, my steak was fine and the drink bar had a nice selection of teas, but we also ordered a salad. The salad was very rusty. It was really busy or I would have complained about it. I suppose I should have anyway,but the waitress looked run off her feet.

We came home and I received some magazines from a friend in Japan. I'll be happy to get into them soon!

And that's it for today. I'll catch you tomorrow?? Night!

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