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March 27, 2003 - Thursday

March 27, 2003 - Thursday

A cloudy day, then it began to rain and hail.

A good day mostly. I went for a walk this morning and then I took a shower before cooking lunch and then I cooked breakfast. It was nice, cheese omelet and bacon. Yum.

Work was okay today, except two classes cancelled or didn't show up again. Sigh, third time this week. After work tonight I joined a goodbye party for one of my students. She has to move to another prefecture next month so her classmates threw her a party. I only went for a few minutes unfortunately, as I needed to get home.

Fumihiko is still a bit sick, but I think he's feeling a bit better.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm back to work, so let's hope my day goes well. Night night!

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