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November 3, 2003 - Monday

Warm, sunny, rainy, and now very windy!

A pretty good day actually, although I'd be hard pressed to tell you what I did!

In the morning we slept in. Well, actually, I tried to sleep and Fumihiko tried to wake me up. It didn't happen for a while though!

In the afternoon we went to the Daiichi Hotel for their lunch buffet. It was quite nice. After that, we went shopping. Well, okay, I went shopping and he just looked around! I looked for calendars to send to my relative in England. They had some nice ones, but they were either really big or the right size but totally in Japanese. It's not too bad as long as the days of the week are in English, but they sometimes aren't. Of course, most of the people who buy them are Japanese, so it's not really a problem, but if you want to send them overseas like I do, then it is! I didn't buy a calendar, but I did buy an organizer. I got a nice one that is bilingual and can be refilled next year. I hope I use it! It also has subway maps of many of the big Japanese of course, but the nice thing about that is that Fumihiko can read them! I also went to the 100 yen shop for some wrapping paper for Van's present and school supplies for me.

After S-mall, we got me some kerosene, delivered it to my apartment. Then, we went to Mikawa mall and played some games in the amusement center. I did really well for a while, but I ended up losing all of my coins finally. I lost all of mine before Fumihiko so I bought myself a canned coffee and then looked at and played some of the grabbing games. I did very badly at those today though.

We had dinner in the mall. We had shabu-shabu. It was really nice, but we both ate too much. We had about 12 bowls of meat. That sounds like a lot, but actually, they only put 4 slices of meat in a bowl so it wasn't as bad as you think!

After that, we could barely move, so Fumihiko drove us to Tsuruoka. I asked him if he would take me to a grocery store so that I can get some food for the week at work. He was a sweetie and took me. I got a lot of stuff and even something for Christmas for some people on my shopping list! I delivered back to the apartment and then we came home.

At home, I started wrapping my present for Vanessa. I reused a box that she sent me. We often do that! It's full, and wrapped very well. I grabbed my iPod when I finished to get her's stored on my iPod, and I knocked some stuff off my desk while I did that. Sadly, one thing was my wedding ring and then I couldn't find it. I panicked and looked all over the room for it. Just as I was going to go through the garbage bag "in case", I picked up a small bear lying on the floor. My ring was under the bear. Whew! I'm so relieved.

And that's about it for today. I'll be sleeping at the apartment tomorrow night as Fumihiko will be on a business trip to Yonezawa. Don't wait up for me! I'll update again on Wednesday night. Night!

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