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October 7, 2003 -Tuesday

Lovely day...warm and sunny.

I went for a walk this morning and had fun while I did it. I sang along to my tunes. I really enjoyed them today. After I got back to the apartment though, I took a nap. Sigh.

Work was fine today. I was a bit busy, but not too much so. I had 6 classes and everyone came. I think I got one of my students into trouble as he had told me that he had too much homework from school to do any of my homework. I asked her if it was true and she said no. Oops.

After work, Fumihiko came and picked me up as I had his suit and I didn't want to pack it on my bicycle. I'll pick up my bike in the morning.

At home he made me a lovely nabe with pork and mushrooms and tofu. It was good. I was surprised because we usually go out on Tuesdays. Still, it was nice to come home.

And that's my day. Not too much to talk about....I hope tomorrow will be more exciting, but I doubt it! Night night.

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