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October 6, 2003 - Monday

Rainy and sunny and cool!

This morning I decided to start exercising again! I had asked my support group for low carbers for someone to try and help me get motivated to work out again. So, I did 20 minutes of pilates and then powerwalked for 30 minutes. I did get soaking wet in the process, so I'm not sure if it was a totally good idea or not, but.... I saw some interesting things along the way. A helicopter was hovering over the Akagawa park, and after some time I saw a man climb out of the helicopter and down a rope. I thought they must be doing some kind of practice because it really isn't a usual thing to happen.

I had a horrible time breathing at my apartment today. I couldn't use my nose at all. When I drank coffee I had to hold my breath because I couldn't swallow and breathe at the same time. It was awful. It got better when I moved and exercised, but when I didn't it was bad.

After laundry I bought groceries and then went to the mall. I listened to TOFOG on the way. It's very interesting. I think Russell has a nice voice, but the lyrics of the songs are a tad strange. Maybe I just need to listen more!

At the mall I did a bit of window shopping and then waited for Fumihiko. He came and got me and we went to the tailoring department where we had my pants shortened. After that we went to the drug store and got some medicine for us. I think that I have developed an allergy to least I think so.

We went to Bistro de Ponts for dinner. It was really nice. We had fish for dinner, with salad and soup. Yummy. Afterwards we came home and I went to bed. I didn't get to sleep for long though. I got a phone call from Gabrielle. It was nice to talk to her, but the call cut out in the middle. I think she was using a phone card and it ran out in the middle of her call!

After that I played around on my computer and then I watched Alias and ER. Soon I'll go to bed. I'm a bit tired, don't know if it's the medicine or the exercise today, but I'm beat!

Gotta catch some zzzzzs. Night night!

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