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October 9, 2003 - Thursday

Sunny and not too too cold.

A good day, but again, not much to talk about. I walked in the morning...had a great time with my music. I came back to the apartment and fell asleep. Sigh. I shouldn't do that, but I can't help it somehow. I also watched Roswell when I was making my breakfast. It was interesting today. Future Max asked Liz to help present Max fall out of love with her. Hmm.

I was rather busy at work today. Most people showed up and all 6 of my classes happened. I'm rather glad about that, except I didn't get finished work until almost 10. Still, time passed really quickly so that was good.

After work I rode off to the apartment in a screaming hurry to meet up with Fumihiko, but I had to wait a long time when I got there. Sigh. Okay, maybe it wasn't that long, but it did feel like it was! We decided to go to Dan tonight. Usually we try to go on the weekend and it's too crowded. Tonight it wasn't busy at all. We had some good food, Lemon Chicken, Negi Chicken, Tofu, Steak and Eggplant. Yum yum yum.

Then we came home and I put on my 30 Odd Foot of Grunts cd. It was nice to hear it on a good stereo. It sounded good. I think I'm really going to get into it soon.

And that's my day. It was pretty good. Hope yours was too. Night!

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