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Friday, October 10, 2003

Sunny and quite warm. Yeah!

This morning I was quite busy at the apartment. I folded my laundry and got a load ready for washing. I started the washer and went out for my walk. I had a great time, went near the river. I had to avoid the flies which were out in great numbers today, but generally I had a great walk. I came back to the apartment and watched State of Grace, the new show on NHK and also Smallville. Both were good.

I cooked my brekkie as usual and them headed off to work. Work was fine today. I wasn't too busy, but I had two lessons back to back at the beginning and at the end of the day. The rest of the time I did a bunch of paperwork. Still, I did quite well. I even got my lessons ready for tomorrow. I'll have a busy day.

After work, Fumihiko and I went to Cocos Restaurant and talked . It was great. We actually talked about writing. He'd tried writing when he was younger and so had I. I still write this journal/blog/diary everyday, but I haven't written any fictional stuff for a couple of years. I miss it.

Then we came home and I selected a few cd's to put in the car. I like to rotate the ones out there every few days as I get tired of them very easily.

I'm not sure if I'll be updating tomorrow or not. I have a party to go to after work, so I may be out too late to do it. And, I'm not sure about my weekend's plans yet either. I may go on a road trip so you won't be hearing from me in a while...maybe!

Night night...and have a good weekend!

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