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October 23, 2003 - Thursday

Rainy and windy day.

A good day mostly. I went to the apartment and immediately got changed for my walk. I went out and didn't enjoy it at first, then as the songs improved, I had more fun and got a bounce in my step. By the end I was right into it and was sorry that my time was up. I still took a nap when I got back, and even overslept a bit. Oops! I watched Roswell this morning while I was getting ready. Silly show, but fun!

Work was fine today. Lessons seemed to go quite well, except two didn't happen. Oh well, people are busy at this time of year. The good thing was that I was able to leave really early! I got all of my paperwork done so I called my lovely husband and asked him to pick me up.

He came and got me a bit after 9 and we went to Gusto for dinner. For some reason I was really hungry! I had mixed grill, salad and a pork omelet thing with kim chee. It was all quite good. We were watching a baseball game...Japanese baseball and it was in the 10th inning when Gusto's own advertising programme came on instead of the game. I personally don't like baseball, but, what the heck were they thinking?? People were watching the was tied and in the playoffs. They took off the game and put on some stupid thing about chihuahuas. They are crazy!

After that we came home and spent some time together. Then I turned on my ol' computer and wrote this entry. That's about it for today. I hope it stops raining tomorrow!

Night night!

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