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Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Sunny and nice day.

In the morning I went for my walk and took out my garbage too. I was going to put it in a "gomi station" when a lady told me that I was using the wrong one, not sure why, but I thanked her and took my garbage to the one she suggested. My walk was good today, I really enjoyed myself. It was a nice morning and I was in a good mood.

I slept at the apartment, but kept waking up as my heater ran out of kerosene and I had to go out and fill up the tank. Sigh. I didn't get much of a nap, but I guess that's really okay.

I went off to work without doing the dishes this morning as I was running late. I guess I'll have to do them tomorrow. Oh dear.

I was quite busy at work today. I had 6 classes plus a telephone meeting. I had preplanned some of my classes thank goodness so I didn't have to panic. The telephone meeting was okay too.

After work Fumihiko met me at the apartment and took me to M's Dining for dinner. I had chicken and beef, plus drink bar. Yum yum.

We came home and now I'm working on my computer. It was a good day, I wish more were like it! I'll catch you tomorrow I think... Night night!

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