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October 27, 2003 - Monday

A cool day, but nice and sunny.

I went to the apartment in the morning and then I went for a walk. It was really nice and I enjoyed it. When I got back to the apartment though, I went to sleep! I slept for a couple of hours then got up and did laundry and watched The West Wing, which I finally got to tape properly!

I went out to the bank and post office, then I had to get my groceries. I got a few and then I went back to the apartment. I read and vegged! I just started a new Anne Rice novel today, Blackwood Farm. I like her books, but after I read them I wonder why I enjoy them so much! They're a bit silly, but fun.

Fumihiko came and got me after he finished work and then we went for dinner. We went to Edoichi. It was fine tonight, but I ate too much! Oh dear.

We came home and watched the end of the baseball game. The Hanshin Tigers lost. I don't actually care, except that there won't be any sales at Jusco tomorrow.

Now I'm watching ER and my lovely hubby is making me tea! He's such a sweetie. That's about it for my day.

Night night!

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