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October 30, 2003 - Thursday

Clear day, quite nice.

Well, I have to admit it. I woke up this morning feeling all groggy and sick, so I took a cold pill and at the apartment just went to sleep. I probably shouldn't have, but when I woke up 2 hours later I did feel quite a bit better. So, no exercise for me today.

Work was fine today. I had two classes cancel, which was sad. I knew about one in advance, but I didn't know about the other one! The students may come tomorrow which could be interesting, as I'd have seven lessons then. Yikes!

Our manager is leaving tomorrow. She's going to go to California and study English. I'm going to miss her. The atmosphere in our school is really sad right now. We won't have a new manager for a while so we're all a bit worried about that too.

After work tonight I biked to the apartment and Fumihiko picked me up. We came home and made yakiniku. It was very good, but I think I ate too much! Fumihiko isn't feeling too well so I think he's going to go to bed soon. Poor thing. He has to work 6 days this week.

And that is my news for today. A bit boring I guess...I'll try harder tomorrow!

Night, night!

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