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September 8, 2003 - Monday

Cloudy with a bit of rain.

I didn't do a lot today! I went to the apartment, watched TV and then fell asleep. I woke up, went back to sleep, then finally woke up at 1:30 pm and decided that I had to get busy! I cooked brunch and then I did laundry. I also did a few rows of my beading. I'm now past the halfway point! Yay me! I finished Angels this morning too. I liked it, but not as much as some of Marian Keyes other books.

I had planned to go out and buy shoes, but I didn't leave the apartment! When Fumihiko finished work, he visited me and then we went out for dinner. On the way home he met a friend of his briefly and then we came to our house.

Fumihiko made coffee and I watched ER between trips to the toilet. Yep, I had some stomach problems tonight, but I took some medicine so hopefully I'll recover soon! ER was sad tonight, it was Mark's final days with his daughter in Hawaii. I'll admit it, at the end I had to wipe away a tear. Sigh.

And that was my day! Not too exciting. Tomorrow I'm back to work.

Night night.

Also, recently there have been extra ads on my site. Apparently they are from Angelfire and they don't know how to get them off people's writing. I apologize for the mess, but they are trying to fix it. It is very annoying.

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