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September 7, 2003 - Sunday

Sunny and warm, gorgeous day!

I had a lovely day today. When we got up we went to the Sakata Library. We each read books or magazines. I was lucky, they had the latest edition of Time there so I read that. Then, we went for lunch at the Hotel Rich. It was an Ethnic buffet. They had lots of Asian dishes. I couldn't eat everything but I did quite well. There was Tandori Chicken, salad, vegetables and some nice roll-up things in rice paper. I took off the rice paper, and Bob's your uncle! Delicious.

We stopped by the mall on the way back to Tsuruoka and checked the movie listings. Unbelievably, there was nothing new in English there. We came back to our town and I went and got my hair cut. It looks really nice. I didn't get it cut too short, but I like it.

After I finished I met Fumihiko, then bumped into another Canadian I know slightly here and then my manager and one of my students. We had a few laughs and then Fumihiko and I went to Book Off. At Book Off, I hit the dvd/video racks and found.....A Fish Called Wanda on video. It was quite cheap, so I bought it. I still plan to get the dvd special edition when I can find it, but until then, this will do nicely!

We stopped at Mosburgers for a quick bite and some jasmine tea. Then, we tried to find a fishing place in Tsuruoka. I didn't really understand what it was, my student and manager told us about it.

When we found it, we bumped manager and student again! We had a good laugh about that. The place was a bit strange. They had some tanks with fish in them and you paid and fished them out. You didn't get to keep the fish, I think they gave noodles instead of the fish, but I'm not exactly sure. It was weird!

It was suppertime after that and we were going to go to Mikawa, but I suggested going to Kamerotei instead. I didn't really want to have French Food tonight after all that stuff at lunch. We did the yakiniku and it was nice.

We came home after we ate and watched A Fish Called Wanda. That movie is still amazingly funny. Fumihiko liked it, but I think the next time we watch it, he'll like it more. John Cleese just rips my heart out everytime I watch that film. Yes, he's an incredibly funny man, but his character is quietly dying inside. Rewatch it and you'll see what I mean. Great film. Really.

And that's about it. My weekend is now half over. It was great, so far! Night night!

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