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September 10, 2003 - Wednesday

Cloudy and then rainy.

A tired, sleepy sort of day. At the apartment this morning I went to sleep after I did a few rows of beading. I had trouble waking up again, but I finally did!

Work was fine today. I had a new student in one class, my children's class. It was very interesting to see how he reacted with my other student. My student spent some of the class hiding under the table! By the end of the class though, he was getting on well with the new child.

I only had 4 classes today so it was a bit boring, but I'm not really complaining. It just sounds like it.

Fumihiko and I went out for dinner to M's Dining. It was quite nice. I had a couple cups of coffee so now I'm a bit wired. I know that I shouldn't drink coffee late at night, but I still do. Tsk, tsk.

Anyway, not much to say tonight. Last night I updated my computer operating was surprisingly easy and this time it worked!

Night night!

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