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September 11, 2003 - Thursday

Rainy and then clear at night.

Today would have been my Mother's birthday. I always get a little sad on this day. I wonder what she would have thought of my life choices. She might have been supportive of me because she left her home country when she was in her 30's to teach in another country. She ended up marrying a Canadian and spent many years in Canada. I think sometimes that I have it easier than she did. Although my Mum moved to Canada, an English speaking country, she was a little shy and tended to put her husband and family above her own wishes. I, on the other hand, stick up for myself and don't take a lot of nonsense from anyone...husband included!

Of course today is also the anniversary of another, more famous event. I remember being absolutely shocked when I realized what was happening. I'm glad that this year's anniversary has been a little low key. At least it has been here in Japan.l

In my news, not much happened today. I was a bit busy at work. I had 5 classes and they seemed to go quite well. I napped in the morning...I'm trying to get to bed early tonight as I stayed up way way late last night. Sigh.

Dinner was at home tonight. Fumihiko made shabu-shabu and grilled some fish. We also had decaf coffee, green tofu and miso soup. It was great. He's now looking at details for our trip. He looks lonely so I should join him soon.

Night night.... sweet dreams everyone.

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