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Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Sunny and warm.

Happy diet day to me! I've been doing Atkins for a year now. I've had some really good results, my clothes range from just right to too big to wear anymore!

Today I woke up feeling much better. I had taken a cold pill last night so I slept really well last night. When I got to the apartment I took a nap for a couple of hours. Then I got up and made breakfast and lunch.

Work was fine today. I wasn't terribly busy, but it was okay because of my cold. Classes went quite well I think. During my lunch hour I bought myself a new handbag. It isn't quite the "grown-up" ladies bag that I planned to get, but I think it's kind of neat!

After work, Fumihiko picked me up at the apartment and took me to M's Dining. It was good! We chatted for a while, then came home. When I came up to our room, the lights were off. That was a little scary as Fumihiko had gone up before me. I turned on the lights, threatening him with severe bodily harm if he jumped out at me, and found that there were two people in our bed. One was my husband and the other figure was in my spot. I was a little scared...but I moved the quilt and discovered that there was a new pillow and a wrapped package lurking there. I opened the package and discovered a new teddy bear. It's really cute! The pillow is nice too because its really thick. I've had trouble sleeping lately as my nose is plugged up. I wanted to sleep higher up, so now I can. Nice presents!

I watched Charmed, which was a little scary tonight. Piper died, but they had time reset so maybe she's okay. And Phoebe has to become a demon. Oh dear.

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. I'm going out tomorrow night after work so I'm not sure if I'll be able to update. I hope so, but I'm not sure. Anyway...Night night!

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