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September 18, 2003 - Thursday

Sunny, with a bit of rain.

A pretty good day, but I'm a bit tired so I'll make it short. Classes went well, except for the class that didn't show up, but even he called, so it wasn't too bad. After work I went out with two of my co-workers and Hitomi, my ex-coworker. And my husband of course! We went to the Korean izakaya on Showa-dori. It was really nice. He'd asked them to make us a chicken in soup. It was great, except there was rice in the middle of the chicken. I didn't eat any of that of course!

In the morning I did some beading and watched Roswell. It was a good episode, and one that I enjoyed. It was about the "Skins" and the new guy that bought the UFO Museum. Cool show.

It was lovely to see Hitomi tonight. She'd been studying in Canada for the last 6 months and now she speaks really fast! She looked great too, and had a good time in Canada. I'm so glad.

Anyway, that's about it for me for tonight. Have a good sleep....I'm going to!


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