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September 16, 2003 - Tuesday

Hot and sunny.

I'm going to make this short and sweet tonight. I thought I was battling an allergy attack for the last few days, but tonight it feels like a full blown cold. Bleck. I'm going to get to bed as soon as I can. I guess it's better getting a cold now rather than when I'm away!

I did sleep quite well last night, except at first as our room was really cold. My hubby decided that we should open the windows. Unfortunately it was quite cold outside! I froze and had to get up and put on socks.

I didn't sleep at the apartment today. I did a bit of beading and my laundry. I also cooked my breakfast and read a little bit. It was a nice morning.

I was pretty busy at work today. I had 6 classes and for a change, everyone showed up! I think most of the classes went well.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and drove me and my bike to the apartment. That was really sweet of him. Then, we went out for dinner. Tonight we went to Dan. We had a great meal. We had tofu, caesar salad, chicken, fish and eggplant. Everything was yummy. I'm glad we went somewhere nice on our anniversary!

We came home, I took a cold pill and then started up my computer. And that's it. My day!

Night night.

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