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April 12, 2004 - Monday

Cloudy and a bit cool, no rain.

A good day. I slept in today, even though I didn't want to. I meant to go out for a walk, but I didn't get around to it.

When I got up we went out for lunch to the Washington Hotel. It was quite nice. I had steak. After that we went looking in some of the secondhand stores in Tsuruoka. We didn't buy anything, but saw a few nice things.

We drove off to Sakata and went to a second store there. We each bought something, then went to a hardware store. We bought a bit more stuff there, then went for dinner. We went to the Indian restaurant in Sakata. It was really nice. I had Tandori Chicken. Yum.

After that we went to Mikawa to see a movie. We ended up seeing Intolerable Cruelty with George Clooney and Catherine Zeta-Jones. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't as good as most Coen brothers movies.

We dropped off our stuff at the apartment tonight and then went to Gusto for a late dinner. Then, we came home and watched ER. Fumihiko really watched it tonight. It was a good episode I think.

And that was my day! I wore my jeans from Australia today, and I may be a bit crazy, but I think they were looser than usual. Cool.

Gotta go, night all.

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