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August 15, 2004 - Sunday

Sunny, but a bit of rain during the day.

An interesting day! This morning I slept in really late. I really didn't want to get up at all. It was really hard actually. Finally I did though and we went to the Daiichi Hotel for lunch. It was okay, not great, not bad.

After lunch we went to the apartment, boxed up my VCR and then rode our bikes to the park. There was an antique gun demonstration going to be on. We watched it. It was kind of cool, but only for the first few minutes. Before the men started shooting there were a bunch of silly people who kept getting in the cleared zone. Now, the men weren't using bullets or anything, but there was a slight chance that someone could get hurt from powder, or some kind of accident. On the other hand, I say let them die. To paraphrase Swallows and Amazons "If not duffers, won't get shot." Apologies to Arthur Ransome.

By this time my back was absolutely screaming in pain. I'm not sure why, just I had to stand and couldn't move around to relieve the tension. I wanted to stay and watch the start of the parade because my student was going to be in it, but I just couldn't. We went back to the apartment and had a rest. I started a new novel, The Da Vinci Code. I hear that it's quite controversial, but so far it's really exciting!

We decided to go fishing, so we came back to the house briefly to pick up our fishing rods, then took off to Sakata! We detoured twice, once to pick up bait and once to pick up my new modem. We got to the port just as the sun went down. It was really windy too. We fished for about an hour. I caught two aji, which I think are basically sardines! Fumihiko didn't catch anything. I felt pretty bad about that, because he had to spend a lot of time helping me put a hook on my line and stuff.

When we finished we went to Sakata's M's Dining and then came home. Fumihiko's arm was bothering him so I made him lie down and I gave him an arm massage. I used some gorgeous stuff from The Body Shop to rub his arm and he seemed to be pleased. I'm not sure if he still feel good, but it worked at the time.

Then I came over here and started to use my computer. Tomorrow is an important day. My broadband connection gets switched to our apartment. After tomorrow I will consider myself as living in our apartment. Yay and about blooming time, don't you think! I certainly do.

If it takes me a while to get set up, don't worry though. I'll try to talk to you tomorrow night. Gotta go! Night-o!

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