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January 16, 2004 - Friday

Snowy and cold. Sunny in Yamagata, more cloudy in Tsuruoka.

I got up early, but it was a struggle! I did some last minute packing, checked out of the hotel and then tried to find a taxi. Argh! The first one I flagged down wasn't available, and I had to go all the way to the taxi stand to get another one! There was a lot of snow along the way, and it was difficult to drag my suitcase, but I managed!

I got to the bus station in lots of time, but it was cold. When the bus finally came I asked the driver to put my suitcase underneath, but he didn't. He told me to take it on the bus. I was a bit surprised, but it turns out the bus wasn't that busy. Hurray.

At Tsuruoka I got off the bus at the station and went to work. But, sadly, I didn't have very much to do today. I just taught one lesson and I prepared for tomorrow's. That was good.

After school I walked to the grocery store and bought some groceries for dinner and breakfast tomorrow. I got a phone call from my beloved on the way too! At the grocery store I also bought myself a new pair of gloves. They have reflecting strips on them, and are quite cozy.

At my apartment I cooked my nabe and did some laundry. I washed some clothes and drank some coffee. I watched some of my TV shows for this week. A couple of hours later my husband appeared! He was a bit drunk, but basically fine! He's off sleeping now, or maybe sleeping it off?

Tomorrow I'm back to work. I hope that everything goes well. Fumihiko wants to go out tomorrow night. I hope it's a good idea. I'll talk to you then I hope!

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