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January 15, 2004 - Friday

Snowy all day. Cold too.

A pretty good day. I took a bath late last night, so I didn't have to take one this morning. That meant that I could go shopping! Yeah. I got up and went out just as the maid was knocking on my door. I didn't have to ask her to come back.

I walked to Hachimonjia and found some English books. I bought a couple, plus an interesting Newsweek. Then, I checked out Sony Plaza and got myself some hand treatment and some tea for Fumihiko. I hope that he likes it.

I swung by Mosburgers for a quick breakfast, then Tully's to grab some coffee. I'm going to miss that coffee shop. It's not fair! There's no gourmet coffee shop in Tsuruoka near my school. Poor me!

Then, I went to work. Dominic and I didn't have a busy day really, but he does tomorrow so we did a lot of planning and I taught a couple of lessons. One was a kids and it was a trial! The kids had a big age range and one little girl started crying because she didn't finish the exercise before the end of class, but actually she did quite well, so it didn't matter.

I had another class later too and it went quite well. We talked about cooking and it was the first time that that lesson went well! I think my classes are just too small!

After lessons I helped Dominic by preparing for a couple of next weeks lessons and also tomorrow's kids class. I think the class will be fun. I hope so anyway!

After we finished we all went out to Bikkuri Donkey. It was really nice. I had a hamburg steak with egg and cheese and also some salad. Yum! However, I felt a bit strange as I'd eaten hamburger for all three days today! Yikes! I can't quite believe it! Oh well. Tomorrow I promise, not hamburger. I'm not sure what I will eat, but it won't be burgers!

I was dropped off near my hotel and I took a bath and started one of my new books. Then, I showered and came out of the bathroom. I turned on my computer. Last night I also discovered how to make it talk, so I turned it on. I have it telling me really bad jokes! It's quite funny in a way.

Tomorrow I'm back to Tsuruoka by bus, so I have to get to bed soon or I won't be able to get up. Wish me luck! I really need it. Night night!

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