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July 29, 2004 - Thursday

Hot and sunny (getting repetitive isn't it?)

A good day. I slept in quite late this morning as Fumihiko didn't have to work today. I got up at 5:30 to use the washroom and ended up playing toilet tag with Fumihiko's mother. I don't like that! When I got back the bedroom was so hot I nearly died! I didn't. I went back to sleep and didn't really rouse myself until after 10. But I was having this really weird/cool dream. I dreamt that I was helping John Kerry get elected in the US and he'd asked me to check on some info for him. When I reported back to him his wife got angry at me and told me not to bother them any more! It was strange. I'm Canadian. What on earth am I doing dreaming about a US presidential candidate?

We went for breakfast to Gusto. It was quite nice, then Fumihiko drove me to work. I kissed him goodbye and went inside.

Work was fine today too. All of my classes happened, and went quite well. In the last one we talked about keeping romance alive in a relationship. Believe me, I shared some of that info with my husband tonight! Naw, actually, he's quite romantic in many ways.

I went out for lunch and finished my magazine. I started another one too. I love magazines!

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and then we grabbed a few things from our house, then went out for dinner. We went to Sho-ya. The food was nice, but the other patrons weren't. The table to my right was fine, they were from a local company and one of the people was probably from India. They were speaking in English, it was kind of cool to be able to eavesdrop again. The people on my left though...oh my gosh. They were a group of about 5 women and 2 men. The men seemed to be okay, but the women screamed a lot. They were just being stupid. I know that sounds bad of me to say that, but they were just making noise because they could. There was no reason behind it.

We left finally and came back to the apartment. Fumihiko has just gone to bed and I'm going to try to post this soon. I don't know if I can because I haven't set up my computer here, but I guess I can try. He's got an early morning and I worry about him. He looks very very tired.

He has to work on Sunday and he can't come home on Sunday night, so I'm thinking that I might just go to Yamagata for the day/night. It could be fun! That way I wouldn't miss him too much. Let me ponder that some more!

Gotta go! Night night.

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