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July 30, 2004 - Friday

Hot and very sunny.

An okay day. I went to bed quite late at the apartment. wrote my entry last night, but couldn't send it.

This morning Fumihiko got up very early to go to work, I woke up but didn't get up. I was really sleepy! I finally got up around 9:30, and did a load of laundry, then did my usual things.

I wasn't too busy at work today. I had very little to do, so I prepared and read the newspapers. Sigh. I hate being that unbusy!

After work, Fumihiko and I met at the apartment, I grabbed my computer and then we went to Yoshinoya for a quick, light dinner. Then we came home.

I won't be able to post for a couple of nights because I'll be staying at the apartment. Please don't miss me too much! I'll hopefully be updating though.

Gotta go, night night!

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