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May 18, 2004 - Tuesday

Cloudy and muggy, but not rainy.

An interesting day today. I didn't sleep at the apartment. Instead I watched some Canadian TV...about a year old now, and worked on my jigsaw puzzle. I got a bit of it done too. It's at the really hard stage. All that's left is the dark part and it's very difficult.

Before work I went to the bank and the post office. It took a bit longer than I expected because the road was being fixed or dug up or something. I couldn't go through my usual short-cut, I had to take the long way round. Still I got my package sent off to Van. Hurray.

Work was really slow today. I had a lot of no-shows. Some people called to tell me, some people didn't. Sigh. So, the manager made me work! She wanted to clean out our storage room. We went through lots of boxes and bags and threw out lots of stuff. It looks so much better now. There is actually room in there to store things now.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and then took me out for dinner. Except, he didn't bring his wallet, so actually I took HIM out for dinner! Still, he only had a cheap meal so it wasn't too bad! We came home and then I wrote this.

Not a terrible day, but not a great one either. I'm feeling a bit better, but now my nose is starting to run and my throat is getting a little sore again. Sigh. I hate being sick!

Gotta go now, night folks!

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