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September 12, 2004 - Sunday

Warm and sunny, nice day.

Quite quiet day today. Fumihiko had to work, so I stayed home and slept! I got up around 11 and did laundry and made my brunch. It was good...avocado omelet! After a while I went in to work to get ready for my trip and the return afterwards.

When I finished at my school I read the newspaper for a while then went shopping in Jusco. I tried on a few things, but only bought two things. One was a rain resistant jacket that I thought would be good to wear on my bike, and the other was a purple shirt. It has a grey camisole underneath it. I think it'll look good this winter. I went around the rest of the store, but didn't see anything I wanted.

I picked up my bike and rode to S-mall. I went and had an iced tea and then hit the video shop. I got myself 3 DVD's tonight, Sudden Death, Swordfish, and Midnight Run. I wasn't going to buy so many, but then I thought, why not!

I got a few things at the 100 yen shop too, picked up a few groceries and headed for home. I also stopped off at a convenience store to pick up something for dinner.

I had just got home and was putting my dinner on a plate when Fumihiko came home. He'd been at a work party. We watched a couple of my dvd's together, Swordfish which was bad, and Midnight Run which was good!

I worked on my sewing while I watched. I'm still trying to make a cushion out of 2 old umbrellas. I got the two pieces sewed together tonight, so that was good. Took ages though, and I even broke a needle!

Not sure what the plan for tomorrow is. I hope to see a movie because it's been a while. However, Fumihiko may have something in mind. I'll let you know tomorrow night. Gotta go! Night.

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