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September 13, 2004 - Monday

Hot but rainy too.

A good day today. I slept in late and then got up after 11. Fumihiko took me to lunch to a nice place, Paris Cinq. I had pork again, and it was darn good.

Today, we went to Jusco after lunch and we each got a jigsaw puzzle. They were selling off frames and puzzles together for 3000 yen, which is pretty good. Anyway, we each got one. Mine is of a bird, and it's gold. I think it'll look good.

After that we headed out to the mall. We went to see Van Helsing. I liked it more this time, but it still wasn't as good as it should have been. Hugh Jackman was pretty cute though. Lovely long flowing locks!

We planned to go to see the 6:40 show of Taking Lives, so we went to dinner in one of the restaurants. Just as we were finishing up, one of Fumihiko's nieces met us and asked us for a ride home. Well, honestly, we weren't planning to go back to Tsuruoka yet, but as an auntie, I asked Fumihiko to drive her home. I'd rather have us do it than make her take the bus. She actually spoke a bit of English to me this time. I don't think she has ever done that before.

Back in Tsuruoka we delivered Namie, then went to a drug store to get me some lipstick. Unbelievably I forgot to bring my lipstick home this weekend. Silly me. We came home and I checked email and the late show times.

We drove back to the mall and went to see The Village. It was interesting. I really liked the acting, and the story. I thought the characters were believable and the love story between Ivy and Lucius was sweet and had the mark of reality on it. However, that ending. Hmm. Did I guess? Yes, I did. Still, Fumihiko and I had a good chat about it after. He didn't like it. Oh well.

We came back to Tsuruoka and went to M's Dining for a late dinner. Then, came home and I packed my bag for my trip. I'm taking one suit. I hope that that is okay. I have everything I need for the trip packed I think. At least I hope so!

Well, that's it for me. I'll be away for a couple of days, so don't miss me too much. I should be back on Thursday, but it is my anniversary so if I don't post, don't worry!

Gotta go....night night and bye for now.

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