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August 16, 2006 - Wednesday

Hot and sunny, all that good stuff.

I got up this morning as my husband was leaving for work. There's something going on in my favourite e-group that I'm worrying over and I couldn't sleep very well. After hubby left, I got up, got dressed, grabbed my coffee and did netstuff.

I had a pretty quiet day at home. I decided that I'd watch the TV show I taped last night, but then realized I was tired. I decided to have a short nap on the couch and set my cellphone alarm. When I woke up, it was more than an hour and a half later! What the heck? I don't know if I slept through the alarm, or if I just over slept, but I felt so much better! I cooked my lunch and got ready to watch my show. As I was starting up the vcr, I noticed that The Actor's Studio was on, and the guest was Bette Midler. As I've recently become a fan of her singing I thought I'd watch it. It was very interesting. She's quite a neat lady.

I was watching the beginning of Hustle when the doorbell rang. Huh? It was the air-conditioner guy. He was supposed to call hubby first and then hubby would call me! Anyway I let the guy in. He looked at the remote, tried it, and of course it worked! I tried to explain that it works sometimes, but not all the time. However, I ended up calling hubby and getting him to explain for me! After, the guy and I had a little chat about where I'm from and what the weather is like there now. Right now, pretty hot I think! The guy took the remote with him as he thought it might be the problem, but it wasn't! Basically, the guy didn't do anything!

I finished watching my show and then took off for my apartment. I had to meet a person interested in studying with me. She's not ready yet, but maybe in the future.

I came home and cooked dinner. Fumihiko was lying on the couch for most of the time, although he did rouse himself to set out the plates and cutlery. Tonight we had sausages and stirfried veggies. Last week I'd bought some asparagus and zucchini and hadn't eaten it yet. I cut it up, and cut up some shimeji mushrooms, an onion and even included a bit of cabbage. It was remarkably good, although I thought the asparagus was a bit woody.

Fumihiko did the dishes then had his bath and went to bed. He was so tired when I came home tonight, I don't think he even gave me a hello hug. Nope, he didn't. Hmm. Not good. Still, I'll try to forgive him.

And that's my day. I'm still mulling over the egroups thing, but I'm becoming certain that the situation won't get "fixed". It's a shame too.

Talk to you tomorrow? Night.


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