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August 30, 2006 - Wednesday

Cloudy and rainy most of the day.

Today was okay. I think Fumihiko overslept this morning, but I didn't really wake up so I wasn't sure. When I finally got up I made the beds and tackled the mound of laundry that had been piling up all week. I got it all done too. Yay me.

In the afternoon I made my brunch and watched a couple of things on the telly. One was The Actor's Studio with Robert Redford. I was pleasantly surprised at how articulate and intelligent that man is. The other was last night's episode of Hustle. It was pretty funny. It was also the end of the series for a while. It looks like they'll put Dr. Who on in September, the one with Christopher Eccleston. Wahoo! I'm looking forward to that as a long time Dr. Who fan.

After a bit, I headed off to my school. It was looking very cloudy, but it wasn't actually raining so I didn't wear my raincoat.

At my school I got busy and did some basic cleaning and dusting. I also set up a new shelf that I had bought to put in the tiny bathroom.There aren't any shelves there now, and I need somewhere to keep my toothpaste and hairbrush. The sink is tiny and doesn't have a lot of space around the edges.

I changed into my work clothes and was just putting on my socks when the doorbell rang. I checked the clock, it was 6 pm. It was my student! Her appointment was for 7:00pm. I opened the door and talked to her. She realized her mistake and decided to go and do something else for an hour. After she left, I realized that I should have asked her if she'd mind waiting for a few minutes while I got myself and her lesson ready!

She came back at the right time and we had a good lesson. She wasn't upset as she had things to do for the hour so it was okay.

After the lesson I finished up and left the school. I was locking the door when I realized that it was pouring. I thought about going back in the apartment and waiting for the rain to slow or stop, but then decided what the heck? I'd just as soon go home. I rode my bike home in the rain. I didn't get too wet until quite near our apartment so that was okay.

Fumihiko wasn't home yet, so I changed my clothes and did some email stuff that I needed to do. He came home a bit after nine. He was really hungry, so we went out to Gusto for dinner.

After dinner we hit the grocery store to buy tomorrow's dinner and then came home. We've been remarkably friendly tonight considering how friendly we weren't last night. We didn't talk about last night at all, but maybe that's a good thing?

I printed out some things for him on my computer to do with our trip and I also ran the Disk Repair on my computer. It took a long time and fixed something, so I guess that's good. I think I'll try and run it again tomorrow. I just really really needed my computer today and I was worried about it dying on me again. Sigh.

Anyway, that's it for me for today. I'll catch you again tomorrow? Night.


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