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May 22, 2006 - Monday

Hot and sunny. Gorgeous day.

A good and productive day today, despite the beginning! I slept in late this morning and then got up around noon. Fumihiko was sleeping/napping too, so it wasn't a big deal.

We had lunch and then went to the school to pick up some documents, then went to the tax office. We got some information brochures and I hankoed some document, and that was that. I'm not really sure what all of that was, but hopefully I'll find out soon.

Next up, we went to the mall. We trawled the hardware store and got a couple of sets of plastic drawers. I'm planning to put them under the bed in the apartment. There's a built in bed, but it's very high, so there's a lot of space underneath it.

After that, we had coffee, then went to the tailors shop in the mall. I had bought a couple of pairs of pants in Guam, and a shirt that I wanted altered. The lady had a great idea to change the sleeves of the shirt, so I did what she suggested. It was expensive, but luckily I had a full stamp card and got a huge discount on the work. Yay me! The shirt was quite cheap so I didn't want to spend a lot of money on it.

Having done that, we were free. Yay. We went to check out the theatre, and The DaVinci code was in about 30 minutes. That's what we saw. Despite the fact that I hated the book (the writing was terrible), the movie was good. The basic story was interesting and in the movie we didn't have enough time to worry about the plodding, dull characters. For anyone thinking of going to see it, it's probably okay. The Paul Bettany character is a bit wacko, but if you read the book you'd know that already.

After the movie we came back to the apartment and dropped off the shelves/drawers. Then, we went to Togashi for dinner. We had a great yakiniku meal.

When we waddled out of the restaurant, we came home. We watched ER at 10, it was quite good, as always. Lots of character development and foreshadowing of things to come.

That pretty much was it for me. Fumihiko is sleeping in bed, he was tired and got to bed early. Good for him. I'm going to go soon too as I'm quite tired too.

Catch you on the morrow? Night.


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